As part of a research project, various hydrological parameters such as water level, current, sea state and water temperature are measured on the platform.
At FINO1, environmental radioactivity is continuously monitored in order to quickly detect the radioactive contamination of the environment in an accident and estimate the expected radiation exposure.
Via a GNSS system, a reference to the heights is realized on FINO1, so that the recorded water level data is exactly georeferenced or provided with an exact height reference.
FINO1 belongs to a network of automatic receiving stations in the area of the German Bight, which receive signals from songbirds, which are equipped with tiny radio telemetry transmitters.
As part of the MultiBIRD project, comprehensive bird-watching methods are being used on FINO1.An innovative sensor network based on high-performance and high-resolution video and thermal imaging cameras as well as radar devices should provide the required data.