Environmental noise
Joint Environmental Noise Monitoring Program North Sea (JOMOPANS)
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)
The aim of the JOMOPANS project is to develop a framework for a fully operational joint environmental noise monitoring program in the North Sea. Output will be the toolbox that managers, planners and other stakeholders need to integrate the impact of environmental noise into their assessment of the North Sea's environmental status and to evaluate measures to improve the environment.
Sounds are omnipresent in the underwater world and can be generated by natural sources (waves, weather, animals) and anthropogenic sources (shipping, construction). The international group is increasingly focusing on the possible negative effects of anthropogenic underwater noise on the sensitive marine fauna. Sound sources, sound transmission and the spread of vulnerable species in the North Sea are all transnational issues that need to be addressed transnationally, as explicitly required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
The project will provide an innovative combination of modeling and high-quality measurements at sea for a joint environmental noise monitoring program in the North Sea. The use of common measurement standards and interpretation tools will allow ship managers, planners and other stakeholders at international level to determine for the first time where noise can be detrimental to the North Sea. Next, we will examine the effectiveness of various options to mitigate this environmental impact through coordinated management across the North Sea Basin.
The joint project from seven European countries bordering the North Sea is funded by the Interreg North Sea Region Program and runs from January 2018 to December 2020.
Sounds are omnipresent in the underwater world and can be generated by natural sources (waves, weather, animals) and anthropogenic sources (shipping, construction). The international group is increasingly focusing on the possible negative effects of anthropogenic underwater noise on the sensitive marine fauna. Sound sources, sound transmission and the spread of vulnerable species in the North Sea are all transnational issues that need to be addressed transnationally, as explicitly required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
The project will provide an innovative combination of modeling and high-quality measurements at sea for a joint environmental noise monitoring program in the North Sea. The use of common measurement standards and interpretation tools will allow ship managers, planners and other stakeholders at international level to determine for the first time where noise can be detrimental to the North Sea. Next, we will examine the effectiveness of various options to mitigate this environmental impact through coordinated management across the North Sea Basin.
The joint project from seven European countries bordering the North Sea is funded by the Interreg North Sea Region Program and runs from January 2018 to December 2020.